Archive for the 'team16: seng kim, huimin, desmond, ashley, jeekai, michelle, mila, huiyu 8-jan-2011' Category

A Surreal Playground Experience – Achieving Much With Little

As we decide to embark on this Actspedition trip, out of the comforts of Singapore, to help the needy in Cambodia, we were tasked to conduct a kids’ programme and build a playground for the village education center. Being undergraduates, we were very limited in resources and experience, but we learned to raise funds and even picked up relevant skills for our project. More importantly, we learned to appreciate cultural differences, a new language and forged new friendships there.

Being there to experience joy and contentment despite the little present there, the experience was indeed one that was fulfilling for the team. It taught us to not be myopic in how we live our lives but to live our lives for a cause that is greater than ourselves.

We would like to share our experiences with you through the video.